Source code for provdbconnector.utils.converter

from functools import reduce
from io import BufferedReader
from provdbconnector.exceptions.utils import ParseException, NoDocumentException

import six
from prov.model import ProvDocument

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def form_string(content): """ Take a string or BufferedReader as argument and transform the string into a ProvDocument :param content: Takes a sting or BufferedReader :return: ProvDocument """ if isinstance(content, ProvDocument): return content elif isinstance(content, BufferedReader): content = reduce(lambda total, a: total + a, content.readlines()) if type(content) is six.binary_type: content_str = content[0:15].decode() if content_str.find("{") > -1: return ProvDocument.deserialize(content=content, format='json') if content_str.find('<?xml') > -1: return ProvDocument.deserialize(content=content, format='xml') elif content_str.find('document') > -1: return ProvDocument.deserialize(content=content, format='provn') raise ParseException("Unsupported input type {}".format(type(content)))
[docs]def to_json(document=None): """ Try to convert a ProvDocument into the json representation :param document: :type document: prov.model.ProvDocument :return: Json string of the document :rtype: str """ if document is None: raise NoDocumentException() return document.serialize(format='json')
[docs]def from_json(json=None): """ Try to convert a json string into a document :param json: The json str :type json: str :return: Prov Document :rtype: prov.model.ProvDocument :raise: NoDocumentException """ if json is None: raise NoDocumentException() return ProvDocument.deserialize(source=json, format='json')
[docs]def to_provn(document=None): """ Try to convert a document into a provn representation :param document: Prov document to convert :type document: prov.model.ProvDocument :return: The prov-n str :rtype: str :raise: NoDocumentException """ if document is None: raise NoDocumentException() return document.serialize(format='provn')
[docs]def from_provn(provn_str=None): """ Try to convert a provn string into a ProvDocument :param provn_str: The string to convert :type provn_str: str :return: The Prov document :rtype: ProvDocument :raises: NoDocumentException """ if provn_str is None: raise NoDocumentException() return ProvDocument.deserialize(source=provn_str, format='provn')
[docs]def to_xml(document=None): """ Try to convert a document into an xml string :param document: The ProvDocument to convert :param document: ProvDocument :return: The xml string :rtype: str """ if document is None: raise NoDocumentException() return document.serialize(format='xml')
[docs]def from_xml(xml_str=None): """ Try to convert a xml string into a ProvDocument :param xml_str: The xml string :type xml_str: str :return: The Prov document :rtype: ProvDocument """ if xml_str is None: raise NoDocumentException() return ProvDocument.deserialize(source=xml_str, format='xml')